
Reports: NYC Cops Rode With Bikers Who Beat SUV Driver

Rightwingconspirator10/07/2013 9:54:01 am PDT

re: #7 Stoatly

If this had been a film, yes, adding guns to the equation would have improved things:
Good guy has gun, keeps it ready to use in an instant, (but somehow safe from accidental discharge / becoming fatal plaything for his kid) - knows how to use it in all situations
Bad guys don’t have guns / don’t know how to use them
Pretty standard in films for the bad guys to be spectacularly bad shots - so we might expect a few bystanders to get shot (obviously not by the hero, hero-guns can only shoot bad guys) - a couple of deaths add drama and it’s no biggy, the film’s hero and family are safe, the bystanders have no back-story, we don’t look for their names when the credits roll

The weather’s better in films too, and there’s no remorse or paperwork

65,000 times a year firearm defense works out just fine. Notably that excludes other weapons which if included would spike the number up. Note the extended chase. Why would the gun have to come out in an instant? Lets not call reality fiction. If it were all like the movies our cops could be unarmed like the bobbies in Britain. Not realistic at all.