
On Science, Communication, Respect, and Coming Back From Mistakes - Wired Science

jogiff10/13/2013 9:52:24 pm PDT

re: #7 Grimalkin

I’m not missing that definition, I’m just not mentioning it because it isn’t pejorative except as a subset of doing things solely for the money. The context in which the word was used in this exchange had nothing to do with sex (paid or otherwise).

And I’m not arguing that calling Dr. Lee a whore was OK, but the problem isn’t that it’s sexist. The problem is that Ofek is saying that she isn’t a real scientist trying to find and spread knowledge but that she is only interested in money. If Ofek had called Dr. Lee an “urban ‘worker, employee, contractor, laborer or associate’” it would still be insulting for the same reason (but less so).