
A Christmas Gift for Atheists -- Five Reasons Why God Exists

CuriousLurker12/15/2013 5:50:48 pm PST

I think this guy’s argument is absurd.

Religion is about faith, which by its very definition doesn’t require empirical proof as a prerequisite for belief.

Atheism, coming form the opposite end of the spectrum, invariably cites scientific evidence as proof that no deity exists.

To try to use one to prove/disprove the other is pure folly, IMO.

Let’s say my favorite color is cobalt blue. I can assert that it’s the most beautiful color in existence and no other can possibly come close to approaching its magnificence. This is categorically true in my mind, in my (internal) world.

Can I scientifically prove that it’s objectively the Most Sublime Color™? No, of course not. I can make a case for why I think it’s the best. I can try to convince you that it is by dressing up my reasons using science. I can even provide people who agree with me & will swear under oath that we’re telling the truth, but that constitutes neither objectivity nor empirical proof, does it?

Likewise, the lack of scientific evidence showing that cobalt blue is the Most Sublime Color™, or the fact that scientists might be able to provide an evolutionary basis for why humans have a preference for the color blue, isn’t going to change my feelings about it one whit.

Now, someone might say the above is a false analogy since the existence of the hue we call cobalt blue isn’t in dispute, but to that I would ask—are you sure? Isn’t the perception of color dependent our human biology? Does cobalt blue, as we perceive it, exist for other creatures? There are wavelengths of light that we’ve designated “blue”, but are they really blue? What does “blue” even mean if taken out of the context of our (subjective) human experience…?

Gah, okay, now I’m getting all tangled up in my own thoughts. Why does science always seem to raise more questions than it answers?? //

Anyway, my point is/was that I’m never going to try to convince atheist that God exists. You don’t believe? *shrugs* Fine, no skin off my back. Don’t get up in my face snarling about Bronze Age fairy tales & the opium of the masses, and I won’t get in yours and start screaming at you about being a kafir and trying to metaphorically shove my Qur’an down your throat.