
Liberals Find Comfort Level in 'NPR of Gun Clubs' - SFGate

Dark_Falcon1/04/2014 5:40:14 am PST

re: #6 William Barnett-Lewis

I don’t accept that MBF DF. There were many more factions in Spain than two and had the western Democracies offered a real way out for the Spanish people they could have avoided either the Soviet’s fake communism or the Falangist’s fascism. Additionally, the fascists were the greater threat to peace and freedom in the whole world then, as now. Finally, remember the reality of Orwell fleeing Spain ahead of the Soviet executioners. The ones who fought and often died for freedom should not be forgotten because of the bullies (Hitler with his puppet Franco & Stalin with his puppets that took over the Republican Army) who pretended it was their fight instead.

May I suggest Antony Beevor’s excellent “The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-39” (the 2006 edition is best) as a worthwhile corrective to the propaganda of both the left and the right that has poisoned consideration of the history of 20th Century Spain?

It’s not a Magical Balance Fairy, William. The fascists were the more immediate threat but after WWII the Communists came to the fore. He they prevailed in Spain they might have done so sooner. And don’t forget how the brutality of the Communists towards those they considered ‘class enemies’ (which, to be clear, the International Brigades did not engage in) provided grist for Hitler’s mill, as well as that of Mussolini.

Good talk so far though, and we might pick this history discussion up at another time.

As for your gun club, may I suggest that you check to see if the name ‘Iron Brigade’ is also available. 3 of that US Civil War brigade’s regiments were from Wisconsin, and its adoption as a name would also serve as bravely standing against Neo-Confederates.