
Raising a Daughter in Israel Is Newly Challenging

researchok1/09/2012 1:24:51 pm PST

As a matter of clarification, the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza are not entitled Israeli citizenship because they are not Israelis. They were formally citizens of both Egypt and Jordan.

Currently, they are ‘occupied’ by Israel as a result of the outcome of the Six Day War. Upon a peace treaty and/or after UN recognition of an independent Palestinian state, that ‘citizenship’ will be formalized. As it is now, the PA has issues their own passports, travel, identity and other documents

Israeli Arabs are full citizens (though not always afforded the same ‘blind justice’ or equal privileges). Israeli Arab citizens represent slightly over 20% of the population.

There has even been an Arab Supreme Court Justice and as it relates to the article you are referencing Arab women in Israel have more rights than in any other country in the region.

As for better and fully understanding what is going on in the region, good luck.

I predict it won’t be long before you are back in the dark with the rest of us.