
Wisconsin Lawmaker: If You Are Being Beaten, Just Remember the Things You Love About Your Husband

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks3/28/2012 9:31:18 pm PDT

re: #6 JustJay

Back when I was quite a bit younger and more insensitive and harsh with my words, I was hanging out with a buddy of mine at someone elses apartment when the subject of battered wives came up.

Within earshot of the woman of the house I rather callously said “I feel sorry for a women who gets beat. The first time. Every time after the first beating, it’s her fault for staying with the asshole that beats her”.

My buddy shot me a hard look, and deservedly so, because I was being rather callous when I look back on my comments. The subject was dropped and we moved on to other conversation topics.

When we left the apartment, my buddy said to me “What you said was fucked up. Her husband beats her, ya know”. I said “No, whats fucked up is that her husband beats her.”

Still, I felt like a total shit-heel for making that comment in front of her. I nearly couldn’t look her in the eye after that.

A few weeks later, she left that abusive piece of shit, and took their six year old daughter with her.