
McKibben: Global Warming's Terrifying New Math

ausador11/24/2012 10:21:52 pm PST

re: #7 lostlakehiker

China is already far ahead of us in both wind and solar energy installations. They are the worlds biggest maker of wind turbines and solar panels and enjoy the lowest cost on these items on the planet.

Meanwhile we do next to nothing and invariably when attempts are made to point that out, someone else always brings up how useless our efforts are unless China and India are doing even more. Whether or not they do anything does not justify our own lack of action, we should be leading the world on this, not China. I guess we will just continue to watch China take over world leadership especially as they get more and more low cost renewable energy.

The longer we sit on our ass and complain about all the reasons it would be hard to do something about this the further behind the rest of the civilized world we will be.