
Wall Street CEO: Efforts to Rein in Banker Pay Will Turn America Into Communist Cuba

EPR-radar12/12/2012 12:57:31 pm PST

re: #1 Destro

Says one of the men responsible for said inequality. Maybe a communist threat would scare these richers into trickling down their wealth to the rest of us - if for no other reason than to spare their lives. Seems the rich behaved and we had good employment numbers when there was a lefty threat to their wealth.

I firmly believe that the fall of the Soviet Union is a large driver of present trends —- why not make all of the Communist propaganda about capitalism true, if there is nobody around to exploit it?

The model for executive compensation in the US today is skimming, embezzlement, or theft —- take your pick. It is delusional to regard this kind of compensation as the justified output of a “free market” process.

What is free market about being the CEO uber alles, with a compensation committee full of hand-picked cronies?