
White Supremacist Blogger Posts Obscene Attack

Mich-again10/16/2009 9:12:44 pm PDT

Oh this is rich.. So I’m trolling around RSM’s site and in the page where he tries to pimp $250 tickets to The American Spectator
2009 Robert L. Bartley Gala Dinner one of his loyal commenters Patrick links to his own blog where I snipped this beauty. I can’t make this stuff up.


National Geographic is reporting that as many as a third of alleged dinosaur species might never have existed. The report is based on new findings that juvenile dinosaurs have mistakenly been labeled as separate species from their parents because paleontologists didn’t understand how different they looked in the juvenile stage…

This report shows how terribly fallible the evolutionist fossil investigators are. It also lessens the number of animals that would have been on Noah’s Ark. Noah did not have to carry every sub-species, such as every kind of dog, into the Ark. He only had to carry a representative of each kind. The average size of the dinosaurs, based on the fossil record, was the size of a sheep or small pony (M. Crichton, The Lost World, p. 122). Struthiomimus, for example, was the size of an ostrich, and Compsognathus was the size of a chicken. Thus, only some so-called dinosaurs were overly large, and of these, Noah could have taken the eggs or juveniles. Since reptiles can grow as long as they live, the large dinosaurs were probably very old ones (The New Answers Book). Even the largest dinosaurs were small when first hatched. “There were probably fewer than 50 distinct groups or kinds of dinosaurs that had to be on the Ark” (Ken Ham, The New Answers Book, p. 168).
