
Administering the Occasional Reminder

iceweasel7/18/2010 9:22:52 am PDT

re: #784 Killgore Trout

I just looked at that. Biden said the same thing the NAACP said. There are racist elements. The wingnuts erected a straw man claiming the accusation applied to everyone who love the constitution and now claim victory every time somebody mentions “racist elements” in the Tea Party.

plus the whole point of this strategy to to try to make it impossible for the actual active racist themes and elements to ever be called out. And we know they’re out there and they do underlie much of the (insane) opposition to Obama. *

* not all the opposition— there is such a thing as sane criticisms of Obama and sane opposition— but racism is rampant amongst the insane ones. Nirtherism is partly about racism for example.