
Washington Post Headline: Trump Attacks Protections for Immigrants From 'Shithole' Countries in Oval Office Meeting

Florida Panhandler1/11/2018 2:46:46 pm PST

Only when the overall economy takes a dump will this country have the nerve and resolve to finally take care of this Trump nightmare by Impeachment. There is simply too much money to be made presently as the new unfunded tax cuts means several more months of inflated market activity while enriched multi-$$$ millionaires are actively raping the country.

Only when the business cycle turns (and it will) and the wealthy who control our country throw all pretense out the window (as their portfolios sink) can the Trump momentum be stopped. The Con is good only as long as the days are sunny and bright. The blinders will come off once the economy starts realizing that these Con Man tax cuts are going to have to be paid for, and it is the middle class once again taken to the cleaners by rich Con Man Republicans.