
Skeptical Science Debunks the Deniers

Cineaste11/30/2009 3:59:08 pm PST

re: #75 cgn38navy

re: #53 The MongooseSeriously, as a non expert who does understand just enough to realize how big this thing is, this guy nails my skepticism on the head. I don’t trust the studies since there is so much money tied up in it. I also don’t trust people who believe they know what’s best for everyone, and that people who want to wait for further proof before taking extreme measures are “cavemen” or “knuckle draggers”. You left out a big one, mongoose, the ozone hole.

Hmm, there are the academics who you claim are well funded. But you would rather side with the lowly, poor “skeptics” who are backed by the petroleum and coal industries. How much did Exxon/Mobile make last year again? Remind me who has a real financial dog in this fight?

If the academics are in it for the money then they long ago would have been offering up arguments in support of petroleum, not against it. Those guys are way better at compensation than a publicly funded University. Your distrust doesn’t pass basic muster.