
Nelson Agrees to Sign Health Bill, Malkin's Commenters Call for His Death

theheat12/19/2009 1:29:10 pm PST
What needs to be done is the people of Nebraska need to meet Nelson at his home in Nebraska at Christmas time. They need to bring rocks, torches, and signs. They then need to tell him that if he votes to break the next fillabuster for any reason he won’t have a home to come back to and that if he does come back they will use the rope to decorate a tree with him.

Always nice to hear from those down home folksy folks; the true heart of America, the salt of the MF earth, the eternally pious, the ones that keep conservative values first and foremost…

Lunatics. Torch and pitchfork, red meat, flat earthing, racist, misogynist, goddamned lunatics. The only thing that would make them happier is if they could personally out and terrorize every female that may have had, or may consider, abortion. Short of that, threatening individuals and politicians wearing their skewed badge of patriotism is first favorite vice. (Don’t forget defending the ever-present War on Christmas.)

I fucking hate these people. They aren’t harmless nuts, or benignly useless, they’re potential domestic terrorists hell bent on constricting individual liberties to fit their fucked up world view. Piss on the lot of them, twice over.