
Tuesday Afternoon Open

jcm7/28/2009 5:43:04 pm PDT

re: #796 Van Helsing

No, I really enjoyed embedded systems design. Hardware, software, production test stuff…

It’s just that now the company I work seems to outsourcing the work and I just review it. When I tell them things are wrong they tell me deadlines are more important.

Looking for the kind of work I DID do, well, opportunities are spotty at best. Dunno, I’m just a bit depressed.

I know I should just man up and keep drawing a paycheck, but it becomes difficult to even get out of bed and go to work.

I don’t know what else I’d do… haven’t had to consider the question for 30 years.

Keep an eye here, we’re replacing attrition only right now, but orders are picking up. Embedded experience would be a plus.