
The 'Stalinist' Who Came In From The Cold

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)11/20/2011 7:55:55 am PST

re: #811 RogueOne

Government enforced segregation kept minorities as second class citizens for decades longer than it would have taken if they had stayed out of it in the first place.

That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

* “Second-class citizen” is a political status, neccessarily enforced by some government – be it an elected official one or just merely a de facto one (the latter role is easily assumed by businesses).
* Likewise, the equal status of all citizens is a legal concept that requires protection by government. That some governments fail to protect is not an argument against government per se.

Furthermore, the question of access to government is crucial: Why do you think so much of the Civil Rights Movement had to do with voting, voting rights, voter registration drives, etc?