
Brandeis Cancels Plan to Give Honorary Degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Critic of Islam

Scottish Dragon4/09/2014 1:53:28 pm PDT

re: #77 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

So can you clarify this?

“Islam”, or rather, Muslims, has made accommodations with western thought, as is obvious from the Muslims living in the West.

The bulk of Islam…at least in a number of countries…appears to be experiencing some sort of cultural backlash to westernized media influences and secularism. To some degree, this may be healthy as it protects local cultural mores from western media hegemony. That being said, somer of the backlash has been violent in many areas (not at all helped by our drone campaigns, GITMO and Abu Ghraib) and our association with democracy has poisoned the well for democratic government in the eyes of much of the developing world. The lack of real organization in Islam and variety of cultural differences makes it difficult (if not impossible) to see how westernization will take hold if at all, or if rejection of western values becomes ascendant over time. Again, giving primacy to local cultural values is probably healthy to a certain degree, but parochialism can also be damaging and dangerous.