
Dylann Storm Roof's Website Discovered, With White Supremacist Manifesto and Photos

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)6/20/2015 11:23:08 am PDT

re: #73 ObserverArt

Damn Khal, this comment and your #44 tells me you need to post up some more. I like the sense of history tied to a sense of the dark humor in it all. Good take, good reading.

Aw, shucks. (*looks down, kicks can*) Thanks for reading. I’m trying to tear myself away from this story, but it’s really bugging the living shit out of me, and LGF is a place where I can process, read and converse with other intelligent, decent people.

I think I need to work on a long-delayed project today in the garage, using power tools. Just to get the sense of doing something positive, with my hands, that has a tangible result. Woodworking as therapy, I guess.