
The Hour's Getting Late: Trump Says He Has the "Absolute Right to Do What I Want With the Justice Department"

Blind Frog Belly White12/28/2017 9:07:59 pm PST

re: #81 JordanRules

Wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper to just record him and print it then? What is she doing that anybody else can’t?

Getting him on the record without aides for 1/2 hour. Remember, Trump works the room. He responds to the feedback he receives. IOW, he reflects his audience. What if his audience is neutral and doesn’t give him cues? Haberman thinks you get a view of his actual thinking. The utter incoherence of that 1/2 hour, then, reflects the utter incoherence of his thinking.

Which isn’t news, if you’ve been paying attention.