
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

Soona'4/15/2009 3:18:12 pm PDT

re: #735 LGoPs

I disagree. I think that the vast majority of people are either numb, asleep or fixated on American Idol and can’t be bothered to pay attention. This coupled with an appalling lack of education in history and civics makes it necessary to have symbolic gestures that express the building anger out there. Anger not at the fact that we have an African American president and not even that we have a Democrat as President. Anger at the fact that this radical, leftist President and his Congress are arrogantly and rapidly moving out with a breathtaking statist agenda. Anger that there is not even a pretense of bipartisanship - remember “I Won”. Anger that even though our side lost that doesn’t mean Obama has a mandate to take us into full blown socialism without so much as a breath of acknowledgement that he is President of all of us and not just of the radical, leftist fringe.
And getting back to our lack of historical knowledge, the Boston tea party is, I believe, one of the few symbols that still resides in most people’s collective memory and is an appropriate device for symbolizing this anger.

Well said. (Upding and applause)