
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Gus5/03/2009 5:58:54 pm PDT

re: #824 Euler

Phillips draws a mysterious distinction:

Intelligent Design posits a creator (that is, well, intelligent): “In coming to the conclusion that a governing intelligence must have been responsible for the ultimate origin of matter, Intelligent Design proponents are essentially saying there must have been a creator.”

But not a god:“…ID proponents do not necessarily believe in a personalised Creator, or God.”

Ok, an we have an intelligent, but not personalized, creator. Maybe a benevolent cosmic bureaucracy or something. No, that wouldn’t be intelligent. Maybe a machine, then. Like HAL. No, too personalized. I’m stumped. Intelligent, not personal, intelligent, not personal….very mysterious. Maybe intelligent, but without self-awareness. Hmmmm…..very mysterious.

Little Green Men