
Overnight Open Thread

ziggyelman3/20/2009 7:23:55 am PDT

re: #779 Teacake!

That’s yet to be seen really. There were a couple more articles on Drudge yesterday about what the UN is pushing for and if this faux president delivers us to the UN, all doubt will be removed. Maybe Soros is the anti-christ and obama is his pr guy?

You know, I’m almost to the point of saying, go ahead, tax the shit out of everyone, rich and poor. Go ahead with that UN proposed oil tax of 750 billion, to “invest” in a greener future.
I won’t be able to drive anywhere, or afford anything, but the sooner people realize how very stupid these ideas are, the better. People are learning more about the constitution, about how the economy works, and doesn’t work, than ever before.
The slow drip, the death by 1000 cuts, that is the real danger. Have them ram everything down our throats in months, not years, and we will see Republican’s back in power in 2010. Now, if they are still the Republican party of the 21st century, we still will have problems, but not the kind we have now…