
Don't Give Up

William Lewis10/06/2018 6:19:19 pm PDT

re: #72 Rocky-in-Connecticut

Roe vs Wade is tops on the list for sure… not for love of babies.. that’s a distant tertiary point in all this- the strict placement of women in society is the clear goal.

But Roe vs Wade is just the appetizer. Brown vs Board of Education going bye-bye, allowing the Banning of Evolution in schools, are coming. And a couple of Constitutional Amendements are coming as well- first of which is to Establish “Christianity” as the basis on the country, and another Amendment stating English as the Official language.

The 20th Century is noted as the development and entrenchment of modern statism. The 21st Century is shaping up to be repealing the 20th Century and a slide towards populist Fascism. This is a worldwide occurrence BTW. And these individual populist movements are often mutually exclusive. Shit’s about to get really ugly.

Everyone needs to decide how far they’re willing to go to resist. I was in the Army and consider myself still bound by my oath. I’ll be in the boonies if it comes to that.