
Friday Music Break: R.D. King, "The Girl Who Rode the Wind"

Blind Frog Belly White8/02/2019 1:15:20 pm PDT

re: #80 DangerMan

you’d get my vote for that if you added, that a sweeping change like m4a cannot be done all at once. would probably take 10 years to phase in and in that time could be tinkered with or destroyed, like with the ACA.

the ACA was supposed to get everyone covered one way or another with a minimum standard of care, no exclusions, etc

after that it you can tackle doing it cheaper, more efficiently, or whatever

Will ya still vote for me if, instead of that, I say that M4A’s goal is not to abolish private health insurance by legislative action, but rather to render it pointless and stupidly redundant?