
Overnight Open Thread

pink freud3/06/2009 12:46:39 am PST

re: #75 Fenway_Nation

Doesn’t 0bama Hussein Dolt have an axe to grind with the Brits over Kenya?

The man appears to have a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas. IMO it is himself with whom he has the axe to grind, although it is much less painful to wield it outward. I’ll take a small liberty and go ahead and say he’s pissed that he was born with the skin color he has and the world will somehow pay. Starting with us.

/you can’t read his books without reaching that conclusion

//I don’t believe he happily chose to identify with his black side and reject his white side …I believe he figured out that claiming his black side offered many more opportunities for exploitation.

//I’ve said it here before. The primal scream picture of Bundy reminds me of the monster I see right below the surface of that slick veneer Obama presents. I’ll wager WAB’s seen it.