
Another Andrew Breitbart Edited Tape?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/31/2010 12:41:53 pm PDT

re: #81 researchok

But— this is the point I’m trying to make— the transcript as they released it, as Brietbart released it, shows absolutely nothing. That is their proof— and as it stands, it doesn’t even need any counterproof, because it doesn’t show anything.

It’s as if they recorded some reporters saying, “Let’s dig deep into the Miller campaign and see if he has any other unsavory assholes working for him,” and said, “See! They’re biased against him!”, or if they released a transcript of reporters saying, “If someone punches someone at a MIller rally, let’s put out a tweet on that” as “OMG, bias!”

The allegations themselves make no sense, so I don’t see what actually needs proving or disproving. That’s what the disconnect here is.