
George Will Misrepresents Climate Change Study

JayCurrie22/21/2009 7:02:43 pm PST

Naso Tang, a quick summary (from a layman) of the Antarctica question. In general terms Antarctica should be “warming” along with the rest of the planet. The problem was that the recorded temps were cooling in all but the Western Peninsula. A chap named Steig - assisted by Michael Mann of hockey stick fame - set out to rectify the “problem”. In due course he produced a paper in which he found the expected “warming”. The fun began when it became apparent that a) he had mislocated a critical station, b) had conflated one station with another, c) several of the stations had been buried under snow (a well known insulator) for years at a time. But the fun continued as Steve McIntyre and his crew began to try to figure out how Steig et al had arrived at their estimates of “missing data”. (It is typical of the AGW “team” that they do not release their code, algorithms or, in many cases, raw data.) Increasingly, it is looking like the statistical methods used are inappropriate if not downright misleading.

The take away is that it is unlikely that Antarctica is warming but if it is then the changes are tiny. Pop over to Climate Audit for the details…but it will make your head hurt.