
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

Graybeard5/10/2010 1:35:44 am PDT

re: #841 Charles

That is an utterly ridiculous, deliberately distorted misstatement of what I wrote.

It that’s not what you meant to say I’m glad to hear it. It’s certainly the message I received.

‘What school principal wouldn’t have done the same thing? Don’t they have a responsibility to maintain order in school? And if so, isn’t it blindingly obvious that they need to take action when students do things that are designed to create conflict and bad feelings?’

I read the post over more than once, to make sure I understood on what evidence this accusation was made. As far as I could tell, the bare fact that the students wore the flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo was the only such evidence.

That the incident took place on Cinco de Mayo was also presented as the key fact that made it a ‘nontroversy’ instead of possibly an outrage.

My answer to the question ‘What school principal wouldn’t have done the same thing?’ is ‘One with common sense.’ Anyone with a glimmer of cultural understanding would have known that making an issue of the flag shirts would inflame matters further.