
The 2008 Weblog Awards

Steffan1/05/2009 10:35:11 pm PST

re: #829 realwest

Well I read that Reid said Burris’ paperwork wasn’t completed so he wouldn’t seat himp; but yesterday or the day before he said there were good constitutional grounds for not seating him. Regrettably Harry didn’t know what they were or at least couldn’t explain them.
But the comments by the two black members of the House, about the Plantation, were made today.

Three words: Adam Clayton Powell. The House tried to bar him; the SCOTUS ruled that they had to seat him. That’s the legal precedent Burris is claiming, and he just might be right.

Harry doesn’t necessarily have the legal grounds to bar Burris. They can seat him and then expel him, but that vote would be disastrous for the Dems. My advice is to make a lot of popcorn.