
A Creationist Museum in California

Salamantis3/22/2009 10:55:38 pm PDT

Addendum: Notice that divination is usually practiced by a single person, whereas spellcasting is practiced by both singles and groups. This is because a group can choose to have their wills voluntarily channeled for a single purpose, but cannot be instructed in advance to arrive at identical answers to a question; if the answer were known in advance in order to permit such instruction, there would be no need for the divinatory working. A multiplicity of differing answers to a question would only serve to confuse, not to guide subsequent actions based upon answers received.

A Note on the Relation between Eclectic Wicca and Chaos Magick

Whereas both Eclectic Wicca and Chaos Magick cheerfully steal anything that they find will work for them from any arena they encounter, Eclectic Wicca imports what it appropriates into the Wiccan nosmology and paradigm. Chaos Magick, on the other hand, adopts a metaposition of scepticism of all magickal claims, yet its practitioners master a multiplicity of magickal systems. When they have chosen a magickal task they wish to perform or a magickal goal they desire to realize, they choose from among these systems the one that seems to be most conducive to and simpatico with their chosen task or goal; they then suspend their metaposition of disbelief for the duration of the magickal working, and reassume their metaposition at their working’s conclusion. They thus employ belief as another magicak tool in their toolbox, to be used when warranted, then put aside when they are done with it. However, as happens with all magickal systems, Chaos Magick is beginning to assemble its own collection of doctrinal accretions, among them servitors (individual thought-forms), egregores (group thought-forms), and sigils (a method to subconsciously imprint goals and purposes).
