
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

Decatur Deb10/08/2010 1:21:01 pm PDT

re: #845 LudwigVanQuixote

I don’t bear you any ill will. If you are honestly going to research it, please do the following.

Understand what a Milankovitch cycle is, in terms of orbital forcing. If you get those, then you get the main point about how we discredit orbital variation and how we have tied them to past warm and cool periods in the Earth’s history.

As to volcanic activity, please use a respected source for your data. The various US geological groups are very good at giving data on the web. Do not use some opinion web site. Get the real thing and accept no substitute.

Also, you can check out NASA solar emission measurements to find that the sun isn’t abnormally hot either.

LVQ—Have you been away at some freakn’ mellow ashram? Didn’t you hear that yoga is dangerous to the soul? I read that on a web link.