
Robert Spencer and the Extremists, Continued

harpsicon9/10/2009 10:37:26 pm PDT

re: #783 austin_blue

Umm… no. Medcaire is demonstrably cheaper than private insurance. So is the VA, which has a significantly higher level of satisfaction than private policies.

Cheaper for whom? You don’t pay much on the spot to use it, but it has an UNFUNDED LIABILITY of $46Trillion. Makes Social Security shortfall look like peanuts. We’re borrowing from the future to give seniors “cheap” care, and even so we have lots of doctors refusing any more Medicare patients because they can’t take them and break even.

The talk about saving money from Medicare to fund Obamacare would be funny if it weren’t tragic. It’s like pyramiding your losses. If such savings are in any way possible, they should start by applying them to Medicare’s own unfunded liabilities, not using them to prime the pump for the next gazillion dollars of unfunded liabilities - that much more stealing from the future.

That foreign holders of our debt might be the ones to call a halt to this nonsense is ironic, to say the least!