
Palin: Senior Citizens Will Be Pressured to Die

eschew_obfuscation8/13/2009 2:20:38 pm PDT

re: #850 Creeping Eruption

Two points: Wisconsin(my State) has the Wisconsin Patients Compensation Fund. It is a $750 million dollar fund that picks up any med mal award or settlement over 1 million dollars. So, the exposure for ins. companies for every med mal case in Wisconsin is a million. Non-economic damages are also capped.

Your real point is that insurance premiums bear no relation to amounts paid. That is a problem with the insurance industry, not doctors or lawyers.

That’s interesting re: WI

I would think that insurance premiums would be based on expenses from a geographical/type of practice perspective … like home and auto rates are based on location and driving record.

1 million in malpractice indemnity should be pretty cheap. My GP (Nebraska) pays $250,000/yr for his policy.

There’s something wrong with our numbers though. There’s enough competition in most states in the health insurance industry that over-large premiums would be eaten up by it. I suspect WI’s cap may be unusual?

(thanks for the comments, btw)