
Another Master Finger-Picker: Hwajong Kim, "The Dance of a Marionette"

Joe Bacon ✅2/19/2020 6:16:02 am PST

re: #70 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Waking up this morning, I more and more get the feeling that Bernie is really messing up this election.

There is a fundamental problem with Bernie and his followers - they’re not able to accept the dangers of the effect they have as a minority in this society while trying to pretend they are a majority.

This is where election problems begin - not accepting that other people are never going to vote for you.

So a winning strategy always has to be one which goes out and looks for those who will vote for you.

And Bernie and his supporters don’t seem to realize that the US electorate is composed of a vast number of people who will never vote for someone that the talking-machines will point out supported Stalin. Whether the claim is True or not, Bernie’s long history of not engaging critically with the real world is going to haunt him.

Substantial problems exist in our society and big ones are lurking on the horizon and good leaders will always try to convince the masses that difficult choices are best made by convincing people of the sacrifices that will have to be made, and that those sacrifices need to be made for the benefit of the most people.

Trump fails at this miserably. But so does Bernie (which is why his legislative record is so empty of accomplishments.)

Trump and the GOP are relying on the bread-and-circuses approach to government, with a very heavy emphasis on circuses.

And Bernie doesn’t seem able to grasp how important it is to counter the GOP social narratives. He’s so stuck on his belief of 60+ years that if only we implemented a different economic system that would solve our problems.

But we all know that the systemic issues of racism and bigotry and hatred transcend economic divisions.

Berniebots are just as brainwashed as MAGATs. You cannot engage in a constructive dialogue. Even when you ask how Bernie will pass anything with McConnell in the driver’s seat blocking everything they still insist he will get his way.

If he gets in he will find himself in the same situation as Cuthbert Olson the agnostic Socialist California Governor elected in 1938 who was completely held in check by a Republican legislature. The EPIC movement tried three times to recall Olson because he failed to enact Sinclair’s EPIC plan for the state.

Berniebots will turn on Bernie and he’ll be lucky to last his single term.