
Colbert: Bannon Takes a Perp Walk; Biden's Infrastructure Bill Funds Everything That Makes America Go

nines0911/16/2021 12:30:01 pm PST

I saw earlier some here had their freezer/fridge go out. Huh. Mine kissed off on Friday last week. Freezer. Full. Had to toss around 75 pounds of meats and veggies and frozen treats. There are long waits for some appliances. Lowes here had no idea when they could get what we wanted. Thankfully we found a local chain who has inventory. But they only have one delivery crew who works for 5 or 6 stores and ours will be here the 26th of November. And we got a model that has the bells and whistles we wanted.
And I really didn’t want to give Lowes any of my money.
And Home Depot can piss off.
We almost forgot about the local chain. Happy to give them my money even though the salesman didn’t know jack.