
Is Syria Supplying Hezbollah with Scud Missiles?

Buck4/21/2010 11:00:53 am PDT

re: #48 marjoriemoon

Two state solution commonly means one for the Jews (Israel) and one for the Arabs (Palestine assuming).

I was just kidding… I know what the two state solution is. Of course the actual two state solution has (as Charles points out) nothing to do with Hezbollah getting scuds from IRAN through Syria. (I think everyone knows that Syria and Hezbollah would never do anything like this without Iran.)

The only way a two state solution would mean that Iran (and Syria and Hezbollah) would not feel the need to use scuds would be if Israel is not one of the two states.

Yes I know if you have to explain the joke, it wasn’t a very good joke.