
An Incredible Film From NASA: Gradient Sun

OhNoZombies!10/20/2012 3:37:25 pm PDT

re: #51 TDG2112

The next time you get into it with someone who tells you some aspect of Science “doesn’t make sense” just remember, it doesn’t.

We can’t sense X-rays our sight, touch, taste, hearing or smell! But we know they are there. Same with Radio waves, UV light, and a million other things that science has shown us.

At the root of it, that is what the phrase “That doesn’t make sense” means! You can’t See, touch, taste, hear smell something that doesn’t make sense!

What doesn’t make sense, is the belief in an all powerful being, that created the entire universe(s), and yet is concerned in trivial minutia of hairless monkeys.
That’s generally my response.