
Administering the Occasional Reminder

iceweasel7/18/2010 9:56:43 am PDT

re: #864 allegro

I agree with Ice that there would be demonization going on for simply having a Dem president. That said, I think that the nirther thing, in particular, IS due to racism and that’s why it has taken on such a life. It’s that coded excuse for hating on Obama for being black, without saying directly that it’s racism driving that particular meme.

Oh yeah, completely. And that’s only become more apparent as time has gone on, too.
I expected to see an ugly outpouring of racism if Obama won, but i really thought we’d see the worst of it during the campaign and immediately after the election/inauguration.

I had no idea, no clue, that it would keep going and if anything get worse. I truly believed we were more over this as a society. In many ways it shows that Obama’s election isn’t the end of racism, (not that I was ever silly enough to think it was).

(which is another reason why the racist teabaggers and others are so eager to completely empty the term ‘racist’ of content, by claiming it doesn’t exist and yet finding it in civil right organisations, Thurgood Marshall, and the tax on tanning salons. They want the ability to use their weapons with impunity without ever being called out)