
Sen. Al Franken Accused of Sexual Harassment While on USO Tour in 2006

William Lewis11/16/2017 1:29:16 pm PST

re: #76 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

The only positive thing I can say about this is that I’m glad Franken is handling this in a mature and appropriate manner. I’m shocked and disappointed; I liked him as my Senator. I’m also pissed off as hell because this gives the Right their out, as well as taking the attention away from the sleazeball currently campaigning.

As I mentioned about George Takei the other day, the key to understanding this over the long term is to see if there are further accusations from equal or better sources. If more show up and a pattern emerges? Take appropriate action. If, however, there is only one or low grade accusations? I’m not so sure then.

I know that I’ve acted the ass towards women on occasion because people do stupid shit even when that isn’t their usual behavior. Not to mention there can be cases when something you think is hilarious goes over like the proverbial lead balloon.

Right now we have a handful of really bad cases, one of which is a major problem for the Grand Old Fascist party. Naturally they’re looking for every possible deflection from that case. I reserve the right to be skeptical right up until it’s time to drop kick another asshat.