
Another view of manhood from the far right - and the stalkers....

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/26/2010 9:26:42 pm PDT

re: #84 Gus 802

Funny. Notice how they get all discombobulated when they have something blogged about them. Typical. They can dish it out but can’t take it.

The recurring theme and main point has always been that these are weak betas and utter gimps who lash out at others over their own failures.

The droppings just prove it.

As to us being stalkers, excuse me? Those twats have two whole blogs where all you do is analyze everything we say. Three if you include nil stooge and his creepy actuarial crap.

We just occasionally look at them and mock them for being utter douches - and I only do it to make a larger point about how deranged, creepy and weak the rightwing really is.