
"Obama's Godless Thanksgiving" Fake Outrage Meme Spreads Rapidly Through Wingnut Media

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/23/2012 4:22:13 pm PST

BTW, yesterday Krugman jumped on the Rubio-creationism issue, and hits the nail squarely:

Grand Old Planet


By the way, that question didn’t come out of the blue. As speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Mr. Rubio provided powerful aid to creationists trying to water down science education. In one interview, he compared the teaching of evolution to Communist indoctrination tactics — although he graciously added that “I’m not equating the evolution people with Fidel Castro.” Gee, thanks.

What was Mr. Rubio’s complaint about science teaching? That it might undermine children’s faith in what their parents told them to believe. And right there you have the modern G.O.P.’s attitude, not just toward biology, but toward everything: If evidence seems to contradict faith, suppress the evidence.
