
FBI Statement on Oregon Occupation: Response Was 'Deliberate and Measured'

Shimshon1/27/2016 12:22:17 pm PST

re: #73 No Country For Old Haters

You smear yourself when you downvote posts that weren’t offensive, and you increase the belief that you’re a crank by almost never posting a comment. You could have been someone who rarely speaks, and accidentally downvoted on a tablet, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Yes downvoting 2 people based on me disagreeing with their previous comments in a topic means I’m a crank, a troll, and exploiting the downvote system. Anything else you both would like to make up new definitions for? I recently found this website and enjoy the topics and some commentators here. Obviously I had no idea this was a small cliche and an outrage factory to some. Unfortunately I can’t use an ignore feature so I will just have to make a note of the user names I will not bother with since you both are such victims.