
Yes, Folks, It's Another Unhinged, Self-Defeating Rage-Tweeting Binge From Our So-Called President

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/05/2017 2:54:00 pm PDT

re: #74 gocart mozart

I just had an epiphany. Among the scores of other names I’ve called Clownstick, I have indeed compared him to Lex Luthor, or more to the point a dumber Lex Luthor. On that comparison, I think I get his personal stake in climate change denial. Like Luthor did in the 1977 Superman, where he bought up all the land on the east side of the San Andreas Fault, we should check and see if Trump has bought up land along the sea-level increase line that would come from current projected global warming without the Paris protocols being followed.

“Goodbye Florida. Hello new East Coast. MY East Coast.
Costa del Don
Marina del Trump
Ivanka Peaks
Jaredburg…. Jaredburg??!!! JAREDBURG?!!”