
Another Great New Artist From NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts: AHI

Shropshire Slasher1/24/2018 7:38:12 am PST

re: #79 ObserverArt

I am going to have to disagree, but, the following quotes aren’t all his, and this is my perspective of the history I lived through:

Oh, for the love of god, stop.

Here’s Susan Glasser, who blames Bill Clinton for infecting the innocent landscape of American politics with the plague of strategic lying.

“I believe that Donald Trump has learned from and will take to heart the lessons of how Clinton survived politically the year 1998,” she said. “It was political genius how he handled it by lying. Lying was proven to work in some way that has enabled further the cynical and divisive political culture of Washington.”

Bill Clinton taught Donald Trump how to lie his way out of trouble? There are masons and gardeners at the Trump Taj who may never stop laughing and, after that, Susan Glasser can arrange a séance and have a chat about strategic deception with the late Edith Galt Wilson.

My recollection of the Lewinsky affair is that President Clinton circled the wagons with the Democratic leaders and went on the attack. That is Trump’s modus operandi.