
Now for Something Completely Different: Japanese Math Rock Quartet Tricot, Live in the Studio

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/05/2018 4:32:58 am PDT

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins devoted his June 28 Washington Update to celebrating the fact that pro-choice Republicans have been nearly completely purged from the party.

“Endangered species are usually something we try to protect — but not when those endangered species are pro-abortion Republicans!” he wrote. “Over the past few years, the GOP has become a tough environment for Republicans who aren’t committed to advocating for the unborn. Now, with President Trump boldly leading the charge for life, most of the party’s more liberal members have seen the writing on the wall.”

Perkins cited a Politico story saying that, thanks to a couple of retirements, pro-choice Republicans in the House of Representatives “will finally be extinct.” He called anti-choice dominance of the GOP “the answer to decades of prayer,” adding, “So, many would argue, is the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy.”


Tony Perkins then goes on to say that this is hopeful for the rollback of LGBT rights.