
What Right Wing Racism?

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/13/2010 6:57:34 pm PST

And BTW, the entire phrase “white culture” is about as stupid and ignorant as it gets.

It is also inherrently racist on two counts.

First, there is no such thing as “white culture.” There are many different cultures of different people who are white - just like it is with Asians. For example, the Japanese have a distinct culture from teh Chinese or the Koreans, Just as the French are distinct culturally from the Greeks or the Irish or the Russians or Jews.

So why make up the silly lie - it is obviously trying to lump all whites together and in context it was a statement that a black man hates “white culture.”

In other words, white folks, all of you white folks, put aside your differences because them uppity darkies is a commin!


The second from that it is ignorant and racist to mention white culture is because it cheapens all the diverse cultures or different white peoples and replaces them with a mushy lump.