
George Will Misrepresents Climate Change Study

hopperandadropper2/22/2009 10:39:39 am PST

re: #883 Jimmah

Jimmah, you’re obviously a true believer so this is probably futile, but I’ll give it one more try. There are many scientists, such as Fred Singer, with very strong credentials in the relevant fields, who don’t believe the hypothesis that CO2 generated by human activity has a significant effect on global climate. Most of the physical evidence is consistent with their views, and in fact strongly suggests that the earth undergoes fairly regular cycles of warming and cooling. We have incomplete knowledge of solar variability and its effects on the earth. Sunspot activity is the only solar variable for which we have records going back more than a few decades, and the available evidence shows a strong correlation between sunspot numbers and warmer/colder weather patterns here on Earth. We were in a period of relatively high sunspot activity but over the past few years have moved into a period of low activity that in the past has been correlated with cold weather.