
Van Jones: I Am Not a Truther

Mich-again9/03/2009 9:04:33 pm PDT

The one thing more sickening than people making a guy out to be a hero for punching some loser in the face are the people who are OK with the Sharia justice system that says it OK to bite off an old man’s finger in self defense cause the old guy deserved it I guess. Heck, once the old guy punched him, MoveOn could have plucked his eyeballs out to boot. /

The biter is a sick bastard. It isn’t normal to be able to chomp down hard enough to bite off someone’s finger. What kind of budding psychopath is that? Nevermind what a pansy ass he was for biting. He went out of his way to walk across the street to get in an old man’s face to yell and call him an idiot. Then he ends up biting off the dude’s finger.

Like I said, sick bastard.