
Limbaugh: 'We Need Segregated Buses'

elclynn9/20/2009 6:16:44 pm PDT

I love sarcasm, particularly the kind aimed at the leftist ignorance. Limbaugh makes a good point concerning the playing of the race card on every issue when one disagrees about policies of Obama. Wasn’t it the left, including Carter and Pelosi, Waters and the Black Causus, who kept whining about how racist the moderates and conservatives, and yes independents, are? Funny how they pushed that meme on anyone and everyone they found disagreeable. I thought it was a hoot when Waters wanted the names of everyone who attended the Washington rally, including interviews. This coming from a woman who helped destroy Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Using race to divert attention from their incredible stupidity. Even having the nerve to call people like Ward Connerly, Justice Thomas and Mr. Alford and others “Uncle Toms” because they also disagree with Obama and his ridiculous domestic agenda. If I have to choose who is more despicable it won’t be Limbaugh. The problem isn’t white, black or brown or yellow, it is the left using color and culture to divide Americans. If we’re all so damned racist, how did Obama get elected? He sure didn’t get the office with just the Black and Hispanic vote. So, now that 53% don’t like where this “hope and change” is leading to we’re all racist? I don’t think so. It isn’t the moderates or conservatives using minorities as a cudgel to further their agenda, it’s the progressive left doing that and it’s shameful.