
Heritage Immigration Study Co-Author Resigns Over White Nationalist Connections

EPR-radar5/10/2013 3:01:16 pm PDT

re: #81 klys

Apologies to those for whom this is a repeat, but a few folks didn’t see it from yesterday, so…

Perhaps the most ironic sentence in this thesis:

For example, a person’s IQ affects his likelihood of completing college, but some college graduates are not very smart.

It remains ironic. And probably the best line in the whole thing. Certainly the most honest.

We have no way of knowing whether Richwine is stupid or smart. It’s irrelevant to me whether he is incapable of seeing the flaws in his work, or sees them and deliberately spins the story.

The older I get, the more wary I become of using IQ (or intelligence) as a proxy for anything else. Richwine produced shoddy and fraudulent academic work to ‘earn’ a Harvard Ph.D. Opining about his intelligence or lack thereof is basically a distraction from this key point.