
Bad Craziness Watch: Alex Jones Pushing Swine Flu Conspiracy

Dr. Shalit4/25/2009 6:18:31 pm PDT

re: #35 DEZes

Yeah, they call it the Happening2.

DEZes -

PETA is a CROCK of POOP - I am an Animal Lover, with a Real, not “Virtual” Dog, a German Shepherd named MELECH. PETA slaughters about 90+% of the Animals entrusted to its care. I CAN NOT save every animal that I see. I rescued MELECH from another fellow employee who could NOT care for him.
After that, MELECH went to “the Girls” of my Boss’s Family. They got tired of him - AFTER they Neutered Him! - and put him on a “slimming” diet. He came back to me again, mal-nourished again, and a Capon of a Dog. MELECH is back, healthy and loved. He is sterile. In the Major Leagues, Batting .667 works. Hope it will work as well for MELECH. That is all.
